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Last Gasp 1:49 Sun Apr 7
A clap for Freddie
Ross Hubbard:
To all my West Ham friends, my sons best mate Freddie Felton passed away on the 19th of February, my son and all of Freddie’s friends are trying to get a tribute paid to Freddie at the West Ham v Leicester game as Freddie was a massive West Ham fan. Can we please ask that this post gets shared far and wide please as it will mean so much to Freddie’s family and all of his friends. Thank you so much. ⚒⚒

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Russ of the BML 1:44 Tue Apr 9
Re: A clap for Freddie
I don't have a problem with it at all. It will start to open a can of worms though. as to what criteria there is for who gets a clap.

I suppose at he end of the day we just do everyone if there is a request?

Poplar Iron 1:27 Tue Apr 9
Re: A clap for Freddie
I don't disagree with the comments Russ...think more about the fact this kid was 14 that has struck a cord with many...even Deccers tweeted for this to happen on 20th !!

Russ of the BML 11:44 Tue Apr 9
Re: A clap for Freddie
It's all very nice but I do agree with the posts that this could get out of hand.

Poplar Iron 10:56 Tue Apr 9
Re: A clap for Freddie
My daughter was also a very close school-friend of Freddies...she has literally been broken since it happened - so I for one, will stand and clap on 14mins even if nobody else does (RIP young man)

Sven Roeder 4:47 Sun Apr 7
Re: A clap for Freddie
The club does a montage of fans who have died during the season on the screens before the last home game of the season which I think is appropriate and very well done.
During the season I think OUR players should be acknowledged with a minutes applause and exceptional cases like 102 yo Mabel.

On The Ball 4:42 Sun Apr 7
Re: A clap for Freddie
The Club aren't actively endorsing this now. Twice a season they're putting pictures of those that have passed away up on the big screen for those whose boat that floats.

bigst 4:36 Sun Apr 7
Re: A clap for Freddie
I'm glad to see the last few have been ignored cos it gets on my tits....if we had a minutes applause everytime a west ham ham dies it would be constant...why would anyone want 60000 prople who never knew or cared about them to applaud for a minute...this is my latest bug bear....along with just giving pages for funerals....embarrassing

stepney hammer 4:24 Sun Apr 7
Re: A clap for Freddie
I always want us to score while one of these is going on.

Mike the Hammer 3:08 Sun Apr 7
Re: A clap for Freddie

happygilmore 2:31 Sun Apr 7
Re: A clap for Freddie

So what happens if through different circumstances there are a couple of deaths of West Ham fans leading up to a home game, or if we or the opponents score in that minute and applause gets drowned out, or people don'rt get the applause they asked for? I'm sorry that people have had to go through a death, but this could end up causing more arguments than necessary. Have a bit in the matchday programme by all means. But unless it's someone who played for the club or served it with distinction, then I'm not in favour.

icwhs 3:04 Sun Apr 7
Re: A clap for Freddie
People die, it’s a shame, but unfortunately a part of life.

Ask Liverpool supporters to do it, i think they’re pretty good at it.

cheeses cruyf 2:34 Sun Apr 7
Re: A clap for Freddie
We're in danger of turning into Liverpool

geoffpikey 2:33 Sun Apr 7
Re: A clap for Freddie
We've not a minute of applause for Andy Carroll?

happygilmore 2:31 Sun Apr 7
Re: A clap for Freddie
If it provides some comfort for his family and friends, why not.

RIP Freddie

AKA ERNIE 2:25 Sun Apr 7
Re: A clap for Freddie
spot on mike

Mike the Hammer 2:20 Sun Apr 7
Re: A clap for Freddie

AKA ERNIE 1:54 Sun Apr 7
Agreed. Seems to be the in thing. Then if you say you don't agree with it you are made to feel uncaring. Didn't even consider it when my Mum passed away last year, and she'd been a season ticket holder for a few years and a part of the Bond Scheme protestors.

AKA ERNIE 1:54 Sun Apr 7
Re: A clap for Freddie
has there been a game this season when we've not had a minutes applause for someone

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